Well, we have just started up our American Legion Riders Chapter here in Clovis, CA. It been a long road and we did manage hit pretty much every pot-hole along the way. We got serious about getting the Chapter going this past September. We received our Charter on November 18, 2021 with 8 Charter members. We are still getting ourselves organized and our uniforms (vest and berets) straighten out. A super bunch of riders. Check us out and join us as a guest at our next meeting. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Cecil Cox Post 147 in Clovis, CA at 508 4th Street.
April 9th, 2022 - We took our first group ride today. Five of us met at the Post and rode up to Oakhurst. Very pleasant ride and we stopped at Denny's for breakfast. Although a bit of traffic the return leg was fun and enjoyable. All Riders and bikes made it home safely without any incidents.